Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Public Relations Project

Question: Write about thePublic Relations Project. Answer: Singapore has been fighting the menace of mosquito in several ways, especially after the threat of dengue fever, chikungunyia, Zika, etc. Singapore's humid weather and dense population make it a favorable environment to breed the Aedes mosquito. Recently an innovative initiative has been taken by the government to control the mosquito proliferation. The National (10th October, 2016) has reported that the vector control authorities are going to release millions of Aedes aegypti male mosquitoes infected with a bacteria (harmless to humans). The strategy behind the release of the infected male mosquitoes is to control the multiplication of the insect population. A male mosquito does not bite humans; it feeds on plant sap, a female mosquito on the other hand yearns for blood to nourish its egg laying process. The pheromones on the human skin, the differential temperature around the body and concentration of carbon dioxide guides a female mosquito to land on the human skin surface and suc k blood through its spout. Another way to control mosquito bite is to apply repellents on the skin. But the conventional repellents have harmful ingredients in it and can have detrimental effect on the health of the user. However, recently, our company named Bio X has invented an extract from plant material that can be used to manufacture a mosquito repellent. The repellent can be applied during a bath or shower, which spreads through the body and form a layer on the skin. The thin cover on the skin will be effective for twelve hours and suppress the escape of pheromones from the human skin. The bio-signal to the female mosquitoes is thus blocked and the menace of the mosquito bite is reduced. The repellent is harmless to the human body and do not have hassles such as stickiness, odor or greasiness. The tests have proved that it can even be applied on a babys body. The repellent is developed on the principles of biotransformation i.e. chemical modification made by an organism on a chemical compound. One of the challenges of using repellent is that, different species of mosquitoes may react differently to the same repellent. The mission to escape from the clutches of mosquito bites is there for centuries. Recent developments in overcoming the nuisance of the mosquitoes are the result of decades of research. The knowledge regarding the mosquito behavior and their physiology has helped the scientists to develop various methods to control the perils. However, the search for a perfect repellent is not yet over, many companies are trying to identify a plant based ingredient to improve the repellent action and achieve safety standards. Singh, Singh, Mohanty (2012) have developed a herbal based repellent. By analyzing various studies related to mosquito control, plant based insecticides, and potential plants for extracts the researchers have located a material that has toxic effect on mosquito metabolism. The powder of a set of plants when used with care can be developed into an excellent mosquito repellent. By now thousands of plants have been tested to extract ingredients for mosquito repellent. However, none of the plant based extracts have durable effect on the mosquitoes. The plants that have repelling properties include neem, basil, allspice, garlic, rosemary, cinnamon, cedar, peppermint, citronella, lavender, etc. But, plant based repellents are not studied thoroughly unlike synthetic repellents. The most common synthetic repellent is pyrethrum, which has harmful effects on human beings. The tested essential oils though are effective repellents; they have short lasting protection ranging from few minutes to two hours. In this context, the invention of Bio X is highly relevant and can easily attract customers with their product. We invite the dignitaries to attend the event that highlight the application of Bio X. Media Invite The launching ceremony of Bio X mosquito repellent will be held on 10th May 2017, at Hyatt Regency, Singapore. Chair Man of A Star, Minister of State for Health, and other distinguished people will be attending the function. To the Editors You are invited for this event and send your photographer, reporter or camera crew to cover the news of the event. Date: 8.5.2017 10.30 Am Singapore: Bio Plaza Contact Lim Kim 00319876543 Press Release News Provided by Bio X Singapore, May 9, 2017/ Press note: After years of scientific research, Bio- X Company has a breakthrough in creating an herbal extract based mosquito repellent. Consumers can use the repellent in the form of a shower gel, fortified with the repelling ingredient. The prime features of this achievement are that, the gel can be used easily and repelling effect would remain for 12 hours. The product can be applied even to the children and do not have any toxic effect on human beings. The repellent prevents the escape of pheromones from the human skin and the female mosquitos will not be able to sense the human skin. Also, the herbal extract repels the mosquitoes to move away from the body. The company is intending to introduce shower gels in two packs i.e. 350 ml and 950 ml with prices $ 7.99 and $ 17.99 respectively for each unit. The product will be available to the consumers through leading pharmacies in the city. Opening Statement Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to be here with you and announce about one of the important discovery and invention that would make our lives easier. Bio x is successfully launching an environment and human friendly mosquito repellent today. It is joyful for us to roll out this product not because it is a promising business winner, but we are lucky to have a non toxic product for everyday use. The production, application and disposal of this product are not harmful to the nature, except for the species of female mosquitoes. The serendipitous discovery that we have today encourages us to explore the unknown and take risks for the betterment of humans and nature. We hope that this product of ours is an inspiration to many biogenic industries working to find solutions to human problems. The research team that made this product a reality deserves a grand applause. I request all of you to rise and give ovation to the relentless works of the scientists. By declaring that the product is now open for the consumers, I conclude my speech here and wish you all the best. Reflection The exercise in strategic communication provided an opportunity to search for relevant secondary data and select the appropriate ones. The writing experience helped to link the relevant information to suit the occasion and the audience. A realization has occurred that a strategic communications is an essential tool for developing positive relationships with stakeholders of a company. The communication goals must align with business goals and through communication corporate image of the company must be enhanced. Writing for strategic communication is challenging, because, it is not enough to transmit information in raw from to the audience, the presentation must suit the occasion and an emotional tinge also must be included in the message. Strategic communication must be proactive, and knowing the audience, their interests and levels of understanding is critical in creating messages. It is the communication that wins the peoples cooperation. References Singh, B., Singh, P. R., Mohanty, M. K. (2012). Toxicity of a plant based mosquito repellent/killer.interdisciplinary toxicology,5(4), 184-191. Jarreau, P. B. (2016). When quotes matter: impact of outside quotes in a science press release on news judgment.Democracy,28, 07. Hidayat, B. (2016). Scientists and Their Society: Between Advocacy and Arbitration.ATIKAN,1(1). Perry, S. L., Martin, R. A. (2016). Authentic Reflection for Experiential Learning at ?nternational Schools.The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement,4(1).

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